Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Noting Spring 2011

Spring wells up from the blackland prairie and the post oak savannah of North Texas. The warming ground comforts the seeds. Blankets of wildflowers burst from the ground in the full sun fields between the shadows of the tree canopy. The parade of waving colors swirl through days of wind, each in its own time. First, are the brave little Blue Bells, unafraid of winter turning back for a final assault.  Soon, the anticipation of the Bluebonnet is relieved, followed by Indian blankets and Paint Brushes, all accompanied by other voices of the choir. Some have but a short time, others slowly wither as the heat of summer comes, and wears, on. Days of wind in March and April ruffle and smooth the low painted fields and roadsides. The wild plum, pear and apple blossoms explode in the still brown thickets, awaiting the dogwood. The assurance of Spring is in the dogwood and the Bluebonnet.

1 comment:

  1. By the time I finished reading this entry, I hated flowers.
